On being authentic

After publishing Friday’s fashion post, I started to think about what it means to be authentic. After all, it’s so much more than just a style adjective. Authentic can be defined as “true to one’s own personality, spirit, or character” as well as “real” or “genuine“. An authentic person then is someone who is comfortable in their own skin, someone who doesn’t need the approval of others, who isn’t afraid to stand up for their own beliefs and values.


An authentic person is first and foremost not a people pleaser. If you’ve ever spent your life trying to be something that you’re not in order to please someone else, you know how damaging that is and how it robs you of peace and contentment. Part of being authentic is learning to establish boundaries and being able to say no.

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Unlike those who hide behind perfect-looking Facebook or Instagram faces, an authentic person accepts who they are and has the courage and self-confidence to share that with the world. Being authentic isn’t about being perfect, it’s about acknowledging mistakes and learning from them. It’s about being honest with yourself and others. It means accepting and embracing your uniqueness.

So how do we learn to live authentically in a world where there will always be pressure to conform to other people’s expectations? Define your core values, then live in alignment with them. Identify your strengths, the things that you are good at and passionate about, then do those things. Determine your own goals, then work toward achieving them. Express your genuine thoughts and feelings (in kind and respectful ways). Make sure your actions match your words.

As a Christian, being authentic means living according to God’s design; living out my true identity as one created in His image. It means living my faith 24/7, not just on Sunday mornings and not just when I’m in the public eye. There should be no room in my life for hypocrisy, pretension, or deceit of any kind. In other words, I’m called to be genuine, honest, real.

“To be authentic, we must cultivate the courage to be imperfect – and vulnerable. We have to believe that we are fundamentally worthy of love and acceptance, just as we are. I’ve learned that there is no better way to invite more grace, gratitude and joy into our lives than by mindfully practicing authenticity.”  Brené Brown

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