Isabella Rossellini and I – this is what 71 looks like!

I turned 71 yesterday, so I was intrigued to discover that Italian actress and model, Isabella Rossellini, who is also 71, is featured on the cover of this month’s issue of Italian Vogue.


Even more delightful is the fact that the photo hasn’t been retouched! No photoshopping to eliminate the visible signs of aging.

Isabella is no stranger to ageism. At the age of 43, when she was dropped by Lancôme in favour of younger models, she was told that advertisements represent women’s dreams, not reality, and that women dream of looking young. More than 20 years later, in her mid 60s, she was invited back; perhaps a hopeful sign that there are positive changes taking place in the beauty industry.

Of course, for the magazine cover, Rossellini had the benefit of professional makeup artists, photographer, and lighting, but I also love the more natural look of this photo that she posted on Instagram recently.

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That’s a look that I can identify with; the look of a woman who is comfortable in her own skin, wrinkles and all. Born with scoliosis, Rossellini has had two major and very painful back surgeries. The idea of having surgery to alter her looks actually scares her. She isn’t interested in Botox injections either. She has a 28-acre organic farm on Long Island, New York and eats organic food, not to look younger, but to preserve her health. She says that doing Botox would completely contradict her chosen lifestyle.

Although she eschews cosmetic surgery and other attempts at hiding her age, Rossellini has been attentive to caring for her skin since she was a child. Her routine includes an eye cream, a face cream, and sunscreen. I, too, am diligent about skin care. In the morning, I wash my face with warm water and apply a day lotion with SPF 15 and UVA/UVB sun protection. At bedtime, I use a creamy facial cleanser with gentle exfoliants followed by a night cream. While I’ve been doing this since I was in my early 30s, I now use products that are specifically designed for maturing skin. I’m also very conscientious about using an SPF 50+ broad spectrum sunscreen whenever I spend much time outdoors.


And there’s my without the benefit of professional assistance, just turned 71, wrinkles and scars, unretouched photo! Though I’m half blind without my glasses, I removed them so that they don’t hide anything.

Today, on my second day of being 71, I’m very thankful for role models like Isabella Rossellini; strong, elegant women who embrace their age and defy societal pressure to try to look younger than they actually are!

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12 thoughts on “Isabella Rossellini and I – this is what 71 looks like!

  1. I hope you had a very enjoyable day on your birthday. Also congratulations on reaching your walking goal. Wishing you a great year.

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