Not exactly a fashion post

Life has been a bit crazy lately between our usual fall/winter activities starting up again and numerous medical appointments for both hubby and I. More about that in the future when we have a better idea what’s going on, but for now, suffice to say that it’s been a bit difficult to focus on something as comparatively trivial as fashion. I will, however, share what I wore yesterday for what was probably our final hike of the year.


I don’t usually wear graphic t-shirts nor do I often wear black close to my face, but this particular tee has significant meaning to me and I really wasn’t worried about what I looked like out on the trail! 

CP-Print 2

The logo, known as The Creator’s Path, was created by Indigenous artist, Don Monkman, for Indian Life Ministries, an organization that I do volunteer work for that seeks to reach Native people across Canada and the United States with the good news of the gospel. If you look closely, you’ll see the cross surrounded by Christ wearing the crown of thorns, the two thieves on either side of Him, His nail pierced hands, the people who rejected Him piercing His side, and those who accepted His sacrifice kneeling in prayer. All of this is held within a circle representing creation. 

Anyway, back to our hike. It was an absolutely beautiful day, one of the last few in the forecast before winter is expected to hit early next week. We spent a couple of hours exploring one of our favourite hiking areas, Willow Creek Coulee, located near the village of Donalda, Alberta. With beautiful sunshine and a temperature of 23ºC (73ºF), it was hard to believe that snow and sub-zero temperatures might be just around the corner! 



In addition to the t-shirt described above, I wore an older pair of chinos, my trusty Merrell hiking shoes, and a hat to shade my eyes from the sun. There are few things that I love more than the peace and quiet of nature. For awhile, I even forgot all about the headache that I’ve had for the past two weeks! 


On the way back to the vehicle, we almost decided to do a bit of international travel, but we didn’t have our passports with us.


Just kidding! 😂 That’s actually a new sign that has appeared on the fence of a property near the trailhead since the last time we hiked the coulee. The land is held by a member of a movement known as  Freemen on the Land, a group who believe that they can declare themselves independent of the government and any laws to which they have not consented. It takes all kinds, I guess! 

Not promising, but I’ll try to have a more conventional fashion post for you next week! 

Logo by Sam