What’s your style uniform?

Logo by SamAnyone who has ever had to wear a prescribed uniform for school, work, a sport, or as a member of an organization knows that it has its benefits. Wearing a uniform is a great equalizer and it eliminates questions about whether or not what you’re wearing is appropriate for the setting or the activity. A uniform can also be a form of identity shorthand. We know that a person is a police officer because of the uniform that he or she is wearing.

But what is a style uniform and how does it benefit you? Essentially, it’s a combination of clothing that you know you can always rely on and feel comfortable wearing. It’s an outfit formula that you wear consistently, that you look and feel good in, that represents who you are, and that is practical for your lifestyle. It doesn’t have to look the same every day, although it can if you want it to. Having a style uniform takes the stress out of dressing and frees up your brain to focus on other things.

It was the great philosopher, Socrates, who gave us the key to discovering our personal style uniform when he said, “Know thyself!” Considering your habits, the level of comfort you prefer, and the types of activities you participate in will help you define your uniform. This is also where your personal style adjectives come into play. Choosing three to five adjectives to describe your personal style can be very helpful in building a style uniform that says what you want to say about yourself. For example, I want my outfit to say that I’m classy, confident, comfortable, casual, and authentic.

My style uniform consists of pants (usually jeans or cords), a pullover top, a third piece (cardigan, blazer, denim shirt, etc), earrings, and depending on the time of year and whether there is snow on the ground or not, sneakers or boots. Of course, there are occasions when I dress differently, but this is what you’d find me wearing most days.

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Here’s what I’m wearing today. None of these pieces is new and all have appeared on the blog before. This combination works for my lifestyle. The sleeveless top made it easy to have blood taken at the hospital lab this morning and with the cardigan over top, it gave my on-screen presence a semi-professional look for my online tutoring session this afternoon. In my opinion, it looks classy, confident, comfortable, casual, and authentic and when it comes to style, it’s truly our own opinion that counts!

So, what’s your style uniform? Do you have one?