Cropped pants, cuffs, and the psychology of fashion

Logo by SamI’ve always been very particular about the length of my pants. From the time I was a child, I’ve loved wearing capri pants, or pedal pushers as we called them way back then. On the other hand, I’ve never liked wearing cropped pants. They look great on other women, but they feel all wrong on me.

The difference between capris and crops is simply a matter of a few inches. Capris end at the calf and crops fall 2 to 4 inches above the ankle bone. They’re a great way to show off your ankles, cute shoes or booties, or even a fun pair of socks, but I just can’t convince myself to wear them.

Why is that? Why such an aversion to something that is admittedly stylish and cute? I think it has to do with the fact that I have long legs and back in the day when I was young and terribly self-conscious, I often had trouble finding pants that were long enough. The thought of being mocked for wearing pants that were too short horrified me. Pedal pushers were intentionally short. Everyone knew that. I could wear them and fit in, but cropped pants were not a thing back then.

This summer, I’ve discovered something odd. I have 3 pairs of summer pants that are designed to be worn either full length or with the cuffs rolled up which essentially makes them the same length as cropped pants. Those, I love wearing! Again, I have to ask myself why and again, I go back to my early memories of growing up on the waterfront. When we played on the beach and waded in the tidal pools, it was natural to roll up our cuffs to keep them dry. Now, when I wear my cuffs rolled up, that carefree feeling of childhood play is what comes to mind!

Amazingly, how we dressed as a child or the fears that we might have had back then about not fitting in can affect the way we dress and shop for clothing decades later. Can you think of any examples from your own life?

3 thoughts on “Cropped pants, cuffs, and the psychology of fashion

  1. The best example that comes to my mind is having to wear pants that had a hole in the knee or somewhere visible. Mom would do her best to patch and hide this hole the best she could but that wasn’t always easy. When flower patches or other designs came out to hide these holes it made wearing these imperfections much easier. Now this generation pays big bucks for pants with bigger holes. I don’t understand but then I guess I’m just maybe getting to old? Lol

  2. My long legs doesn’t allow me to wear cropped pant no flattering on me. I think it’s a generation think. Before thinks we’re low key now it seems like a competition 24/7 where everyone want to stand out by what they wear. By the way, feel free to visit my website: and leave comments or critiques. Your feedback is valuable for my growth. Thank you!

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