What fashion is NOT

LogoI’m noticing a common theme amongst the fashion bloggers that I follow and I completely identify. As the pandemic drags on and on, we’re finding it increasingly difficult to come up with new and interesting content. I refer to Following Augustine as a “lifestyle, travel, and fashion” blog, but when life is mostly stay-at-home, travel has been non-existent for almost a year, and I’ve only shopped for absolute essentials, what do I write about? I’ve been depending on my own closet for most of these weekly fashion features, trying to come up with new ways to wear old pieces, but I’m rapidly running out of ideas!

In preparation for a weekly study that I lead, I’ve spent quite a bit of time lately looking at what the Bible has to say about women, so I’m going to draw on that for today’s post. 1 Peter 3:3-4a says, “Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit.” Does that mean that a Christian woman shouldn’t concern herself with style, dress in fine clothes, wear jewelry, use make-up, or write a fashion blog. Not at all! 

When looking at the Bible for guidance we need to ask ourselves what the timeless principles behind the scriptures are and how we can stay true to them in our day and age. First century Israel was under Roman rule. It was the practice of the upper class Roman women to flaunt their position by wearing elaborate hairstyles adorned with genuine jewels. They intentionally used their clothing and jewelry to set themselves apart from the lower class women. I believe that it was this attitude that the apostle Peter was warning against.  


Wall painting from the Vila San Marco, Stabiae, 1st century

I’ve written before about the 3Cs, the things I want my wardrobe to say about me. When I look in the mirror, I want what I’m wearing to say classy, confident, and comfortable. I could add to that casual and creative. I do NOT want my wardrobe to say that I think I’m better than anyone else! Fashion is not, or should not be, a competition! 

I actually had no idea where this post was going when I started writing it, but perhaps I’ll just leave you with this thought.
